The little world of Katkin...
The tales of a pre-teen writer following her dream- to have a book published. The high and lows of he life of an almost teen! Mwhaaaa...
Saturday, 14 August 2010
I've just came back to Melbourne!
I'll start by telling you about Phillip Island.....
We stayed in this awesome ranch which dad said was a 'boy chillout zone' but I loved. It had great leather seats and saddles everywhere as well as dirt bikes (which I can't ride. You know, I can't even ride a bike! I just topple off every time....) bows and arrows and my ultimant favourite.... the dart board. I just love darts! I don't know why, but its just something to do with randomly throwing it and KAPOW! Suddenly its on the board! I absolutely deafeated my bro, mwhhaaa....
Moving on.... We saw sooo many possims as well as these completly EVIL seagulls which dived down and took you fish and chips..... Bah humbug.... We saw these absolutely beutiful Fairy Penguins though, down by the front and it was MAGICAL. They waddled out of teh water in the cover of night and then made a break for it up the beach until they came to their burrows. We got to watch them waddle up past us about [ ] that far away from us!
The Prom....
We were staying in my mums Aunts and Uncles second home which is on a massive expanse of land, wilderness land. Yeeeeeeehhaaa! On the first day me and my oldest brother went out exploaring with the ball of truth (a football) and stick of destiny (a twig). Before you ask, yes, we did get complety and utterly lost in the maze of trees and ferns and dead debrie that came up to our necks.... I'm amazed we're still alive because poisoness snakes and spiders inhabit that paticular area we went blundering into. *cough* We found this beautiful bee hive in a hollow log where you could actually see inside of! Bits of honey comb were poking out and bees were crawling everywhere!
The next day we went out driving in the national park and guess what we saw.... KANGAROOOSSS!!!! It was amazing! We saw this massive six foot one who put on a dominace show for us to warn us to stay back. Yet again we probably came close to being trampled...... Hey ho!
Well, thats all for now! In a few days I'm going to Bankok! Its amazing how quickly this holidays went....
Thursday, 5 August 2010
My hol so far has been absolutely AMAZING. I've been to Hong Kong, Brisbane, Cairns, Port Douglaus, Sydney and now- Melbourne! At the min we're staying with some relatives of my Ma's and they're really, really nice! And they have a dog.... and a cat.... I took the dog (Zack- the cutest fluffy white dog EVER) for a walk before and he's strong! And loopy when he see's another dog...or anything that moves in the slightest.... Man, he has th eloudest bark EVER!
I've been away for two (three?!?!) weeks and although I miss my 'creature comforts' (mainly my laptop and the internet) it is sooooo worth it.
I mean- I've swam in the great barrier reef! (and got so badly sunburnt that all the skins peeling from my back in big chunks and I'm probably gonna get skin chancer and die....)
I've been so inspired by the places I've been- the daintree rainforest, being on the 42nd floor of a skyscarper while hurricane storms swept across hong kong- ya know?
Explanation for no posts sooner- No internet! Simple as! ;) My brothers have 'internet withdrawal syindrome' they're so grouchy!
Its weird because back home its something like 12am and here its 9:21pm!
As soon as I work out how to import the photos I'll do some detailed posts on the places I've been and sights I've seen!
Note: Wow...... hello new followers! I just looked at my blog for the first time in ages and poof! I suddenly had seven new lovely people reading my blog! Thank you so much guys!!!! Do you wanna cookie? ;D
Monday, 19 July 2010
Goodbye guys!
Woooooooooooow! I'm going on holiday today! Its weird because everyone else is still doing Finacial Capability at school *snort* My heart goes out to you, it really does!
*Imagine plane starting up* Ah! Sorry guys- my planes taking off!
Sunday, 18 July 2010
The two of them....
Urgh, I wish my scanner worked.... I drew the picture, took a photo of it, jiggled it about in publisher, transfered that to microsoft word, printed it out then took another picture of it, so please excuse the poor quality!
Wooow! Today I brought a new sketch book and pencils for holiday and I am soo excited to begin useing them! Tomorrow I'm going to Hong Kong so I'll keep you posted! When I return I shall have a ton of photos and pictures so please pretend you're excited so I can feel good! ;) (Teehee, I like feeling good...)
Anyways, I'll keep you posted on ma holiday!
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Luke Chapman
Yup, he's shirtless. He yelled at me when I began to draw him with a top on so, *shrugs*
Mizuki swoons a lot in his company. Man, I don't blame her. :D
Mizuki Ito
(Close up shot)
Man, I love Mizuki! She's so wild, so different to me; a spirit that some may say needs to be tamed, but others say rock on! Thats part of the freedom of writing, you can create (okay, Mizuki, 'bring to life') people who are different from you in every way possible.
But really, Mizuiki rocks my socks off. I love her dudes, shes great! At the minute its like she's grabbed the pens and pencils from me and is commanding me to draw and type/ write her story. (Ah.... bliss)
I'm quite pleased about how its turned out, but I'm sure I can improve it by doing a background... I'm nervous though because I'd have to use more paints and if I do it wrong I'd have wasted two hours! I don't know what to do....
Hey ho... Tomorrow I'll post with a picture of Mizukis love interest, the lovely Luke Chapman.
Oh, before you go I just wanna show you what I started with....
Thursday, 15 July 2010
I love drawing! (I'm not very good at it though....!)
Well, I hope you'll enjoy these pictures, even if they are pretty darn awful....