The tales of a pre-teen writer following her dream- to have a book published. The high and lows of he life of an almost teen! Mwhaaaa...
Monday, 19 July 2010
Goodbye guys!
Woooooooooooow! I'm going on holiday today! Its weird because everyone else is still doing Finacial Capability at school *snort* My heart goes out to you, it really does!
*Imagine plane starting up* Ah! Sorry guys- my planes taking off!
Sunday, 18 July 2010
The two of them....
Urgh, I wish my scanner worked.... I drew the picture, took a photo of it, jiggled it about in publisher, transfered that to microsoft word, printed it out then took another picture of it, so please excuse the poor quality!
Wooow! Today I brought a new sketch book and pencils for holiday and I am soo excited to begin useing them! Tomorrow I'm going to Hong Kong so I'll keep you posted! When I return I shall have a ton of photos and pictures so please pretend you're excited so I can feel good! ;) (Teehee, I like feeling good...)
Anyways, I'll keep you posted on ma holiday!
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Luke Chapman
Yup, he's shirtless. He yelled at me when I began to draw him with a top on so, *shrugs*
Mizuki swoons a lot in his company. Man, I don't blame her. :D
Mizuki Ito
(Close up shot)
Man, I love Mizuki! She's so wild, so different to me; a spirit that some may say needs to be tamed, but others say rock on! Thats part of the freedom of writing, you can create (okay, Mizuki, 'bring to life') people who are different from you in every way possible.
But really, Mizuiki rocks my socks off. I love her dudes, shes great! At the minute its like she's grabbed the pens and pencils from me and is commanding me to draw and type/ write her story. (Ah.... bliss)
I'm quite pleased about how its turned out, but I'm sure I can improve it by doing a background... I'm nervous though because I'd have to use more paints and if I do it wrong I'd have wasted two hours! I don't know what to do....
Hey ho... Tomorrow I'll post with a picture of Mizukis love interest, the lovely Luke Chapman.
Oh, before you go I just wanna show you what I started with....
Thursday, 15 July 2010
I love drawing! (I'm not very good at it though....!)
Well, I hope you'll enjoy these pictures, even if they are pretty darn awful....
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Well, goodnight folks!
Much! NOoooooo.... If you know me then you know how much I love having long, waist lenght hair. I mean, come on man, I've been growing it since I was six!
Okay, about today....
Well, when I met up with my 'friends' they were all ignoring me and shooting me evil glares so I took the message and cleared off, hurrying off to school. I mean, what was their problem? Yeah, I feel a little sad that if one of my friends gets pissed at me they all gang up as a mighty whole, evil eyes and all.
Well, good news. In art I apologised (still don't know what I did to piss them off) and we're friends again.
We had our awards assembly today and I got £20 woooow! All for devoteing my life to reading... Well, why wouldn't I? So far thats £40 I've recieved from school. (from the writing competiton and this.) Mwhaaaaa.....
Okay, this is what my brain sounds like at the mo:
Write Katkin for ********* sake-write! How dare you neglect your imaginery friends (aka your 'beloved' characters) and ultimately kill off some of my babies.... My brain cells!!!!
Give it a rest brain..... (Ok, I'm freaking myself out now; who on earth talks to their brains?)
Well, I might do some writing, after all, Mizuki's being hilarious again....
Okay, cya- thanks for popping by on this fine day!
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Well, today's been a strange day....
Anyway, today my friend and I seemed to break friends-she kinda ignored me at lunch and I was sitting on my own outside and she sat quite a bit away from me. I got fed up so I stood up and walked away to do my own thing- a first for me which is a bad thing because it shows how dependant I am on her. So, I went to the theatre and library and had fun, but when I went back to form whilst I was waiting to go in I hung out with other people- shock horror. Everyone leapt upon me and asked why I was ignoring my friend and leaving her out- huh? She was the one who had been doing that to me- when I was just being myself without being under the pressure of a close friendship. You know what? Being on my own and doing what I want to do independently was kinda liberating, and, well, fun.
I suppose you just need to get away from things from time to time and be yourself. Because, if you leave it to late to be your own person, if you suddenly start, people will leap on you and jump to assumptions, which is really quite irritating.
Well, that's my two cents!
A manga face using 'paint'
I really don't like it...
Monday, 12 July 2010
Teasers and Musical Monday
Horse riding
Being someone your not
Thats all I'm going to tell you! :)
I've already collected some muisc that describes my chracters perfectly, so heres a song that describes the relationship between my two main charcters, Mizuki Ito and Luke Chapman. Enjoy!
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Do teen authors suck?
Long answer:
I do not believe that teen authors are awful at writing. In fact, I believe some to be rather good. Although our grammar, spelling and prose may not be the best; isn't writing all a big learning process? Sure, even if your writing sucks, that doesn't mean that you, as an author, are rubbish. It just means you need to practise a little more! Where I don't think I'm amazing at writing, I am ready to accept that I have a seed of talent that I can nurture until it grows. By determination you can transform yourself from a 'bad' writing to a 'good' writer and then eventually an 'gob -smacking' author. Hey- you might even get published!
Back to the point. Are teen authors bad? No, they're just finding their feet in the world of writing. So what if their writing is a little bit shaky? That doesn't mean they're bad.
Teen authors are just starting out into the mysterious and chilling industry that is writing, discovering things that many adults are scared to prod; to explore.
You know what? Teen authors are brave starting out and putting pen to paper for the first time just for fun. With so much competition- adult competition- out there, whats stopping them from running away and cowering under a rock? Nothing. Yet they still keep at it.
All things considering, I think teen authors rock!
Just a thought that had been nagging at my head for a while now...
In kinda related news I just wanted to announce to the world that last night I hit 13,000 words! Yabadaba dooo! To celebrate that fact I just wanted to share with you the first paragraph from my new novel; my new baby project! (Thus disproving my point about teen authors being great.... hey ho....)
‘Why even bother looking up at me if he never smiles or waves?’ I thought grumpily, my slight smile slipping straight off my mouth. I sighed and sneaked one last glance at him- savouring his tousled black hair and kind eyes as he gazed out of his window. I nodded approvingly as I saw this; he was the only human I knew that actually appreciated the beauty of my home. He was always there, every single human night, staring up at the moon, his eyes always seeking out mine. My heart twisted as I focused on his dreamy smile, gently beaming up at the sky.
Well, hope you enjoyed it! As always critique is heartily welcomed! (Aka, please tell me all the bad things about it!)
Thanks much for stopping by today!