Hey guys, thanks for your concern for my last post. It really means a lot to me that real people are reading this wacko little blog and sympahising with some of my problems. Like the title suggests, things are picking up for me a little. My dad and I sort of made friends again yesterday when we went for a walk with my cousins down conway beach. So all I have to do now is hold my tongue when I'm about him and not set him off!
At the beach the tide was right in and I got drenched. I acted as a sheild for the rest of my family because when a massive wave came over the barrier it landed on me and didn't even touch anyone else. Grrr! Now I can see why people say 'the wind was roaring' because it does! Its like a wild beast is screaming and roaring inside your ear, numbing you to any other sounds. It really makes your ears ring!
We saw so many jellyfish! I counted around 50, all washed up under the foam. We saw this massive red one with really long teniticles- we could see its innards! It was absolutely amazing!
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