Please help me.... I've been to the dentists today and he told my that two of my canines were crooked and two big, so he had to WRENCH OUT two of my other teeth to make room for them. I'm twelve- I don't want my teeth to be pulled out! I'm not even going to be under anesfetics, only in my gum. I'm going to be awake when they enject a massive needle into my gum and pull out my teeth. Nooooooo! And I was dreading the school enjections, this is 10000000 times worse....
HELP ME!!!!!!
~Shaky Katkin
The tales of a pre-teen writer following her dream- to have a book published. The high and lows of he life of an almost teen! Mwhaaaa...
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Sunday, 25 April 2010

I would show you a photo, but I don't have a camera lead thingy a bobby. I'll just show you an Internet (pah!) pic.
Doctor Who...
Wasn't it amazing? I was sooooo freaked out-and I watch 15 & 18's all the time! I remember the first time I watched blink was with my besto friendo and we were so scared. You know when you shut all your doors and windows and bury yourself under the covers in fright? And you're to afraid to come out until the middle of the afternoon? Yeah, that was when I watched BLINK. 
Sacred bob? Coolio!
I think Amy Pond is going to turn into an angel. God it was so freaky when Bob said, I didn't escape, I'm dead. The angels snapped my neck, sir.
That sent shivers up my spine!
This was my beautiful cat Holly. Unfortunately she passed away a little under a year ago. :(
Saturday, 24 April 2010
My to-do list
Helloooooo, this is my to-do this of all the things I want to do before my seventeenth birthday. (which is a looong way away!)
1) Have a massive food fight
2)Have a novel or short story published. (Not gonna happen!)
3) Blow all my pocket money on a massive hoard of sweets and throw a party.
4) Meet the best writer in the world- Marie-Louise Jensen!
5) Go sky diving!
6) Camp out in the woods with my besto friendo eating pasta presto
7) Pluck up enough courage to talk to a certain someone! :p
8) Read 500 books
9) Spend way more time outside on long long walks.
10) Get a dog
1) Have a massive food fight
2)Have a novel or short story published. (Not gonna happen!)
3) Blow all my pocket money on a massive hoard of sweets and throw a party.
4) Meet the best writer in the world- Marie-Louise Jensen!
5) Go sky diving!
6) Camp out in the woods with my besto friendo eating pasta presto
7) Pluck up enough courage to talk to a certain someone! :p
8) Read 500 books
9) Spend way more time outside on long long walks.
10) Get a dog
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Ballet just fininshed, and as I was coming out, I saw my car driving past the gates. So, what did I do? Did I wait for it to go back and around? No. Silly little dim witted me decied to chase after it. I opened the gate and ran as fast as I could, chasing my massive black car. It was like it was taunting me, stopping and then starting again just as I got near it. I ran for five minutes, chasing it down alleys and blocks, oblivious to the questioning stares of the locals. You must remember that I was in a leotard, tights and a crossover-as well as in my best satin ballet shoes. Finally I reached my car, puffing and panting, sweat dribbling down my forehead. I climbed in and mum said, "Gosh Kat, you must have run like the wind to catch up with me! You shouldn't have bothered though, I was coming back round any way!" I was lying back in my seat, gasping for breath, my heart thumping like a bird trapped in a cage. All I could do was nod, my calf's burning, my ankles twisted.
My brain is very strange. What made me chase after my car? Was it my subconscious trying to tell me something or was I just being a complete and utter idiot.
My brain is very strange. What made me chase after my car? Was it my subconscious trying to tell me something or was I just being a complete and utter idiot.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
My banana!
I took this picture at the zoo a few months back-isn't he cute? He's guarding his banana from me, the evil alien wielding a strange device. AKA a camera. I love animals, especially monkeys. They're just so cheeky with their pink bottoms and goofy smiles! They're still not top of my animal list though. No no no.
1)Cheetahs are first,
2) Wolves are a definite second,
3) Monkeys come in at third!
What about you lot?
On a totally unrelated note-I'm watching Shrek 2 at the moment-it's so cool! I love donkey, he is the best, so inappropriate and dumb. :D I also love the blind mice and the three little piggies.
My favourite Disney movie of all time is The Little Mermaid. I love Sebastian and flounder- as well as Ariel! Of course! God, I have a thing with obsessions. Throughout my primary school years I was obsessed, I sang the songs every single second of every single day. :D
Monday, 19 April 2010
The Pen is mighty than the sword!

I don't know why I wrote that as the title, its just been playing on my mind all day! I suppose it is in a way, as you can write out death warrants and such with it.... and you can write storys!??!?
On the subject of stories, I'm doing a happy jig at the moment as I have wrote 46,200 words of my book which is roughly 124 pages! Its not really a lot.... Look, pick up the book nearest to you and turn to page 124. Its only a quarter of the way through, isn't it? Darn, I knew it... But still, I'm proud of myself, and quite pleased if I can say so myself. :D
How are your stories going? Feel free to comment, I would love to know!
Pssst, you see the 'follow' button at the side? Press it if you enjoy my blog! :D (which I really hope you do!)
Saturday, 17 April 2010
The Zoo
These picture were taken at Chester Zoo. Normally I am totally against zoo's, but this zoo is great. It has spacious cages and a breeding program, so its actually trying to save the animals instead of making a cruel profit. I took this picture of a cheetah using the zoom feature of my camera, so thats why the pic's a bit blurry! I love Cheetah's, they are my favourite animal in the whole world. They are just so sleek and amazing, the speed they run up to is gobsmacking! We went into the butterfly house and it was majestic. So many beautiful, massive, colourful butterflies just flapping about, having fun, enjoying themselves. I darted around everywhere, trying to get the perfect shot and the, just as I was nearing the end, a massive blue butterfly was perching on th
I love animals, they are the best things in the world.
Don't you just love our world? All our forests, all our wildlife, all our amazing sea's..... Don't you think its a shame that we are destroying it?
Take a look at the Amazon Rain forest for example. We are mercilessly chopping down all the trees, destroying millions of habitats. Doesn't that make you feel just a tinsy bit bad?
We kill animals ruthlessly, we take elephants tusks, which are their TEETH, we kill tigers for their fur, the list is endless. Us humans are MONSTERS. We need to do something to stop this. Do we really want no wildlife? No tree's? No wonderful views? We need to protect our Eco-system now, before its to late.
We kill animals ruthlessly, we take elephants tusks, which are their TEETH, we kill tigers for their fur, the list is endless. Us humans are MONSTERS. We need to do something to stop this. Do we really want no wildlife? No tree's? No wonderful views? We need to protect our Eco-system now, before its to late.
We need to put a stop to the Amazon rainforest being chopped down. We need to put a stop to poachers. We need to put a stop to global warming.
We need to save our world!
Now this is just WRONG.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Do you ever get this...?
When you are so stupid that it can't be true? I've just come back from the park after getting EXTREAMALY worked up out a certain missing pen stick. On my pen stick I had half my book saved on it, as I am so stupid as I can never be bothered to save my book onto my hard drive. Imagine how hetic I was when i couldn't find it in my pocket. I searched for in for forty minutes, digging deep into sand, almost crying with sorrow, remember, I thought I had lost half of my book. I trooped home and mum and dad said, "have you checked in your pockets?" I had in all but one.
Guess where my pen stick was.
In that pocket.
I am such an idiot!! Please tell me that everyone has days like this!
Yours stupidly
Guess where my pen stick was.
In that pocket.
I am such an idiot!! Please tell me that everyone has days like this!
Yours stupidly
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Do you ever get it when you just feel ill? Like all you want to do is drop down and go to sleep? Well you guessed it, thats how I'm feeling today!
I'm feeling really on edge today (as I always do on Wednesdays) because I know that tomorrow after school I have to go to my Ballet class. Its really irritating as it always hovers on the horizon, always keeping me from enjoying my day while I can. You get it, I hate ballet! I bet ya i won't enjoy tomorow one bit, I'll just be counting down the hours like I am now... *sigh*
~ Katkin
I'm feeling really on edge today (as I always do on Wednesdays) because I know that tomorrow after school I have to go to my Ballet class. Its really irritating as it always hovers on the horizon, always keeping me from enjoying my day while I can. You get it, I hate ballet! I bet ya i won't enjoy tomorow one bit, I'll just be counting down the hours like I am now... *sigh*
~ Katkin
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Blogs I like.
I'm feeling lazy lazy lazy today so I'm just going to post a few of my favourite blogs.
There's Lord Kiwi's fabulous blog all about writing.
Emily Martins (aka the black apples) wonderfly crafty blog.
Petchys craft/ photo blog.
The Angry Chicken blog. One of the best blogs there is!
There's Lord Kiwi's fabulous blog all about writing.
Emily Martins (aka the black apples) wonderfly crafty blog.
Petchys craft/ photo blog.
The Angry Chicken blog. One of the best blogs there is!
Monday, 12 April 2010
Just thought I'd say hi to you wonderful people! :D
Howdy, hi, hello, bonjour, halla, howdy there partner, hiyiyango.....
I think I'm in a bit of a hypey mood today- I just can't keep still! I wanna go and run outside untill I get so tierd I drop down and fall asleep.
But one big, huge, gigantic, ginormous, monstorous problem. I. Have. Homework.
Arghhhhhhhh! So much of it as well..... Why do teachers have to dose it out by the wagon load? Can't they just trust that we actually listen to them in class? It would make all our lives much easier. After all, don't teachers always moan about the amount of homework they have to mark? Well that can be resolved by them not giving us any! What do ya think? :D
Yeah, lets all revive the ancient campaign that school kids have strived after for centuries.
I don't even know why I'm complaining about it, it only takes me fifteen minutes to do it, but still; DOWN WITH HOMEWORK! DOWN WITH HOMEWORK!
On a totally unrealated subject, don't you looovve barbaques? And fires? You know, the ones that you toast marshmellows on? :D I have perfected my marshmellow toasting tequnique. Shhh, its a secret though!
Please tell me that you guys go all hyper like this as well? If you do feel free to leave a comment! :D
Yours Hyperly
Howdy, hi, hello, bonjour, halla, howdy there partner, hiyiyango.....
I think I'm in a bit of a hypey mood today- I just can't keep still! I wanna go and run outside untill I get so tierd I drop down and fall asleep.
But one big, huge, gigantic, ginormous, monstorous problem. I. Have. Homework.
Arghhhhhhhh! So much of it as well..... Why do teachers have to dose it out by the wagon load? Can't they just trust that we actually listen to them in class? It would make all our lives much easier. After all, don't teachers always moan about the amount of homework they have to mark? Well that can be resolved by them not giving us any! What do ya think? :D
Yeah, lets all revive the ancient campaign that school kids have strived after for centuries.
I don't even know why I'm complaining about it, it only takes me fifteen minutes to do it, but still; DOWN WITH HOMEWORK! DOWN WITH HOMEWORK!
On a totally unrealated subject, don't you looovve barbaques? And fires? You know, the ones that you toast marshmellows on? :D I have perfected my marshmellow toasting tequnique. Shhh, its a secret though!
Please tell me that you guys go all hyper like this as well? If you do feel free to leave a comment! :D
Yours Hyperly
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Today was my last day of freedom, and I did nothing..... *sniff* I'm being made to go to bed way early 'to prepare me for the buisy day ahead of me'. Sniff.
This is Katkin, signing off.....
This is Katkin, signing off.....
Back to school.....
Noooooooo! I really don't want to go back to school tommorow.... I've been getting up at around half ten every single day of this gorgeous Easter Break. How on earth am I going to cope getting up at seven o'clock?! I have so much homework to do, s much study for the end of term tests... Oh help..... Why can't we just have one great big extra long hoilday? Like if all our holidays joined together into a massive break.... So many days off... It would be heaven on Earth....
Its hard to believe that this time last week I was in Harris, lounging around and eating chocolate! If only....
*News at ten music*
Breaking news! Katkin has now wrote 105 pages of her book! Yipeeee!
Its hard to believe that this time last week I was in Harris, lounging around and eating chocolate! If only....
*News at ten music*
Breaking news! Katkin has now wrote 105 pages of her book! Yipeeee!
Doctor Who & other stuff
Do you watch Doctor Who? I do and I'm loving it at the moment. I am a massive David Tennant fan (he is the best!) and although I am sad about him leaving, I have to admit that the new doctor is pretty darn good. He's a sort of bonkers science teacher who actually looks like an alien! Finally! The newest episode is really good, very fast pacing and funny, I think maybe a little better than RTD episodes. I do think it is edging towards a kids program again, which is a shame, but I am a kid and I do love Doctor Who!
Last night I finished watch House season five. I was so sad that House had halucinated everything and that him and Cuddy hadn't got together. I almost cried, I really love the T.V program it is so witty and clever. Now he's in a mental institution. I am so sad........ But its really inrritating because I have stupidly watched the season six trailers, so I know that he ends up back in the hospital! Oh darn....
In other news I am going to attempt to sew a dress. I have brought a pattern and everything, and now all I have to do is sew it.... Gulp!
Last night I finished watch House season five. I was so sad that House had halucinated everything and that him and Cuddy hadn't got together. I almost cried, I really love the T.V program it is so witty and clever. Now he's in a mental institution. I am so sad........ But its really inrritating because I have stupidly watched the season six trailers, so I know that he ends up back in the hospital! Oh darn....
In other news I am going to attempt to sew a dress. I have brought a pattern and everything, and now all I have to do is sew it.... Gulp!
Thursday, 8 April 2010

Yesterday I got back from Scotland after a long, long borning drive. All we did was watch House (the greatest T.V show EVER invented), drink coke (yum!) and read.
Well, I did manage to write ten pages in the space of one hour (thats quite a lot for me, I'm a very slow typer) so I did feel that I had got something out of the drive.
Well, I did manage to write ten pages in the space of one hour (thats quite a lot for me, I'm a very slow typer) so I did feel that I had got something out of the drive.
Hoildays are great, if you know what I mean, but sometimes its just nice to be at home. You know, like what Dorothy said, "Theres no place like home." I completly agree with her! Its just so nice to be in my bedroom again with its fantastic view and with all my stuff around me.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
The Wonderful World of music...
Shorter post than usual today! I'm feeling lazy....
I love music so much! It just carries you away to different places... :D
One artist who does this especially is Regina Spektor. She is the best!!!
My favourite songs by her are:
1) Two Birds
2) Blue Lips
3) Dance Anthem of The 80's.
Really, if you have Spotify-check her music out!
Then of course there is my old favourite... The Beatles!!!
The best Album they have ever made is defiantly Revolver. Songs like 'Good day sunshine' and 'For no one' really make your heart beat so fast! They are the BEST!!!
Okay, I'm finished!
Friday, 2 April 2010
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Do you belive in Fairy's?
I do.
Its hard not too when you're in Skye! There is fairy related stuff every where you go, magic is in the air here. Yesterday I went to visit the fairy pools by the Kula mountains and they took my breath away. The beauty of them is astounding. Sure, I fell in to a stream and got soaking wet, but it didn't seem to matter when I finally arrived at the pools. Mini lakes surounded by barriers of limestone and rock. Waterfulls casading down wherever you look, fairy's MUST live there. Honestly. I think they play tricks on your mind to make you go the wrong way, because somehow me and my family ended up hiking half way up a mountain in the wrong direction, instead of going in the blatantly obvious right direction! Oh how clever the little fairys are!
It really is beautiful, isn't it? Well worth the mile and a half walk it takes to get there.
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