Yesterday I got back from Scotland after a long, long borning drive. All we did was watch House (the greatest T.V show EVER invented), drink coke (yum!) and read.
Well, I did manage to write ten pages in the space of one hour (thats quite a lot for me, I'm a very slow typer) so I did feel that I had got something out of the drive.
Well, I did manage to write ten pages in the space of one hour (thats quite a lot for me, I'm a very slow typer) so I did feel that I had got something out of the drive.
Hoildays are great, if you know what I mean, but sometimes its just nice to be at home. You know, like what Dorothy said, "Theres no place like home." I completly agree with her! Its just so nice to be in my bedroom again with its fantastic view and with all my stuff around me.
Scotland?! Cool! My favorite TV show is Full House! Haha!