I don't know why I wrote that as the title, its just been playing on my mind all day! I suppose it is in a way, as you can write out death warrants and such with it.... and you can write storys!??!?
On the subject of stories, I'm doing a happy jig at the moment as I have wrote 46,200 words of my book which is roughly 124 pages! Its not really a lot.... Look, pick up the book nearest to you and turn to page 124. Its only a quarter of the way through, isn't it? Darn, I knew it... But still, I'm proud of myself, and quite pleased if I can say so myself. :D
How are your stories going? Feel free to comment, I would love to know!
Pssst, you see the 'follow' button at the side? Press it if you enjoy my blog! :D (which I really hope you do!)
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