No, Another Life isn't finished, far from. It has (I estimate) three chapters left to complete. But the thing is.... I'M FED UP WITH THE STORY! Sorry Willow, Caleb, you bore me. My new character on the other hand.... Mizuki Ito. A girl who knows nothing of the world; literally. Thats all I'm gonna say!
Yeah, but the thing is, Mizuki's been yelling at me in my head to stop being so lazy and to write the bloody book! She really scares me sometimes.... So now I'm gonna begin her story and not worry about formating, word cout ect... After all, its the story that counts-ain't it?!?!
The tales of a pre-teen writer following her dream- to have a book published. The high and lows of he life of an almost teen! Mwhaaaa...
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Writers Blog
Howdy diddly! So, about the writers blog Chop-chop and Moocha, do you wanna make a seperate blog for it? Like, we could make up an email address and then we could all know the password and be able to post writing and stuff. Then other people (and each other!) can critique it and stuff- honest opinions! Yeah, so are you up for it?
Also, who would be in charge of making/ designing the blog?
Okaily diddly, leave your thoughts in the comments!
~Katkin <3
Also, who would be in charge of making/ designing the blog?
Okaily diddly, leave your thoughts in the comments!
~Katkin <3
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Nerd Power!!!!
Yes, I admit it- I am a nerd. You know, I used to care about how everyone thinks I'm a freak and a weirdo for loving reading, writing, drawing, nature (gasp!) animie and sci-fi, but it was only until a few weeks ago when I stopped careing. You see, this girl who I'm meant to be friends with began picking on me and saying I was a weirdo, saddo and a freak (eccetra) and how no one likes me. Well, I stopped careing about how other people see me, because I used to try and be someone I'm not, which is weird and unatural. I am who I am and no one can change it. Yes I'm a nerd, yes I'm a geek, but who cares? This is me folks and I'm not changeing any time soon!
To celebrate my nerdiness I'm going to give a list of all the nerdy things about me!
1) I've watched sooo many T.V series. The X files, pushing daisys, battlestar galactica, house, V, Caprica, Lost, Greys Anatomy and many, many more. But I enjoy it, so *shrugs*.
2) I love sewing!
3) I enjoy school (most of the time) and I'm bothered about getting good grades.
4) I get in a huff when someones better at me in something. (Nerd alert!!!)
5) I do Ballet, Tap and Modern.
6) I write loads and draw animie loads.
7) I'm a teachers pet.
8) I'm love old music, and I really don't like all this new rap stuff *shudders*
9) I've never had a boyfriend and I'm to shy to go and tell a boy if I like them.
10) I get really mad at stuff that wouldn't bother 'normal' people.
11) I just strive to fit in!
12) I'm suprised when people remember my name or face.
13) In the mornings at school Moocha's the one that everyone says hi to, I'm an afterthought.
14) I have mini panic attacks when I have to speak in front of people who aren't extreamaly close friends.
15) I'm super shy, like I shake when I have to make new friends.
16) I'm a bit (make that very!) insecure about myself.
17) I've been called 'bread', 'penelopie', (you know, the pig faced girl from that movie), and pippi longstocking.
18) I hate but love at the same time being noticed.
19) I can't stand bullys.
20) I write more words a day than I actually say!
Well, this is me; like it or lump it.
To celebrate my nerdiness I'm going to give a list of all the nerdy things about me!
1) I've watched sooo many T.V series. The X files, pushing daisys, battlestar galactica, house, V, Caprica, Lost, Greys Anatomy and many, many more. But I enjoy it, so *shrugs*.
2) I love sewing!
3) I enjoy school (most of the time) and I'm bothered about getting good grades.
4) I get in a huff when someones better at me in something. (Nerd alert!!!)
5) I do Ballet, Tap and Modern.
6) I write loads and draw animie loads.
7) I'm a teachers pet.
8) I'm love old music, and I really don't like all this new rap stuff *shudders*
9) I've never had a boyfriend and I'm to shy to go and tell a boy if I like them.
10) I get really mad at stuff that wouldn't bother 'normal' people.
11) I just strive to fit in!
12) I'm suprised when people remember my name or face.
13) In the mornings at school Moocha's the one that everyone says hi to, I'm an afterthought.
14) I have mini panic attacks when I have to speak in front of people who aren't extreamaly close friends.
15) I'm super shy, like I shake when I have to make new friends.
16) I'm a bit (make that very!) insecure about myself.
17) I've been called 'bread', 'penelopie', (you know, the pig faced girl from that movie), and pippi longstocking.
18) I hate but love at the same time being noticed.
19) I can't stand bullys.
20) I write more words a day than I actually say!
Well, this is me; like it or lump it.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Note to self
Never ever ever write pages and pages of your story in a notebook. Seriously people, it takes AGES to type up!
Visual inspiration
Well, I got this idea from and I thought it was great. As follows is my visual inspiration for Another Life.

(None are mine, they're from 'we heart it')
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Just a quick quote.....
"I like pigs. Dogs look up to us, cats look down at us; pigs treat us as equals." Winston Churchill.
Friday, 18 June 2010
Did you know that we, the future generation, are being patronized as we speak?!?!? (Well, type!) I was just flicking through my dad's TES magazine (he's a teacher) and at the back they have this thing called 'yoofspeak'. What the?!? Since when have we been talkin like this yeah, yo ya no, do u wanna go2 da park? I'm insulted! At the back it said 'fam' (n) A close friend who you can share everything with. What the hell? I don't know that, I don't know any slang!
In fact, I don't know anyone who uses slang apart from adults trying to get down with the kids. Well any adults doing that, please stop, for all our sakes......
In fact, I don't know anyone who uses slang apart from adults trying to get down with the kids. Well any adults doing that, please stop, for all our sakes......
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Wooty hoot hoot!
Today it was amazing. Yes, its not often you hear me say that about my day. Well, because me and Moocha are part of the G&T group we were invited to a special display of.... owls! Well, if you know me then you'll know that I'm obsessed with owls. I've made loads of owl toys, a owl bag and have numerous owl stationary! It was amazing seeing one, no three (!) in real life. There was a tawny owl, a african barn owl and a massive, and I mean MASSIVE western europian eagle owl. It. Was. Amazing. We got to stroke the massive eagle owl and feel its fur and feathers. Owls eyes are amazing, the tawny owl and barn owls eyes were black shining marbles but the eagle owls eyes were the trademark glistening amber. When you stared it in the eye, it was truly breath catching.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
My science teacher was in SUCH a mood!
Hee hee heeeee..... My science teacher today was really, and I mean really, grouchy today. I mean, he told me off. Lol, thats shows what a bad mood he was in! For those of you who don't know, I'm a kinda swot. Well, I don't think of myself like that, but that's what everyone tells me so, *shugs*. I just like doing well!
Well, the first time was when we were making a poster about the solar system and I wandered over to Moocha and asked to borrow some of her colouring pencils. Whislt she got out her pencil case I was just standing there, daydreaming. Then my teacher came over said, "what on earth are you doing out of your seat?!?!?" I decied to chance it and said, "I'm gettin some colouring pencils sir." I think it came out just a little bit cheeky.....
Then in our last lesson (Chemistry) We (me and moocha) were doing an expirement that we had no idea how to carry out! Sir came over again (the same teacher from this morning) and said, "Giiirrlsss whyyy weren'ttt yoooou paaaying attenitionnn laaast weeek???" Eh? I was tierd last week and to be honest I should've stayed at home, thats what the doctor had told me!
You know, you know, you know.... I HAVE TO GET INJECTIONS FOR HONG KONG!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *rocking backwards and forwards* no, no, no, no, noooo...... I think I have a phobia of needles.....
Well, the first time was when we were making a poster about the solar system and I wandered over to Moocha and asked to borrow some of her colouring pencils. Whislt she got out her pencil case I was just standing there, daydreaming. Then my teacher came over said, "what on earth are you doing out of your seat?!?!?" I decied to chance it and said, "I'm gettin some colouring pencils sir." I think it came out just a little bit cheeky.....
Then in our last lesson (Chemistry) We (me and moocha) were doing an expirement that we had no idea how to carry out! Sir came over again (the same teacher from this morning) and said, "Giiirrlsss whyyy weren'ttt yoooou paaaying attenitionnn laaast weeek???" Eh? I was tierd last week and to be honest I should've stayed at home, thats what the doctor had told me!
You know, you know, you know.... I HAVE TO GET INJECTIONS FOR HONG KONG!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *rocking backwards and forwards* no, no, no, no, noooo...... I think I have a phobia of needles.....
Monday, 14 June 2010
I'm Irritated!
Ya know, ya know, ya know.... (well, you don't, but thats beside the point) Today me and Moocha started the school drama club. (Yup, here in England we're not on holiday at the moment..... you lucky americans....) But sort of very late. Ish. You see, it started in September and its now June, and we have five weeks till the summer. *stands up and does a crazy dance* (no, really-I did!)
Wellll back to the point. I got sooo irritated because theres this boy in year eight (a year above us who's such a pervert) kept on calling me bread instead of my real name, not really the impression you want to make on your fist day at the drama club! Everyone now knows me as bread *sigh*
I'm also irritated cos my brother is using spotify and I want to use it cos I'm freaked by the silence and buzzing of my laptop. (That doesn't make sense, does it?)
Oooooh me and Moocha are making up a new mini movie! Last year we made one called 'A Twist In Time'- it was awesome- and we gave a copy to our Year Six teacher and she showed it to our class! Yeah, me and moocha sort of ran down the corridor and hid, cos A Twist In Time (TINT!) Was pretty strange.... Now were making a new one so we'll have two d.v.ds to put away and watch when we're 59 and three quarters. Yabadabadooooooo!
Yours hypely, you guessed it-
Wellll back to the point. I got sooo irritated because theres this boy in year eight (a year above us who's such a pervert) kept on calling me bread instead of my real name, not really the impression you want to make on your fist day at the drama club! Everyone now knows me as bread *sigh*
I'm also irritated cos my brother is using spotify and I want to use it cos I'm freaked by the silence and buzzing of my laptop. (That doesn't make sense, does it?)
Oooooh me and Moocha are making up a new mini movie! Last year we made one called 'A Twist In Time'- it was awesome- and we gave a copy to our Year Six teacher and she showed it to our class! Yeah, me and moocha sort of ran down the corridor and hid, cos A Twist In Time (TINT!) Was pretty strange.... Now were making a new one so we'll have two d.v.ds to put away and watch when we're 59 and three quarters. Yabadabadooooooo!
Yours hypely, you guessed it-
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Well done!
And its a draw!!!! Well done you two, you're both destined to be AMAZING authors! :D Can't wait to see your books in the bookshops!
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Song Writing
Let me tell you a secret. I can't write songs! I don't even know why I try.... But still, two nights ago I decide to have a shot at writing one. It was a disater and I hate it! But I thought, "Nevertheless, the folks who read my blog might want to read and join me in laughter at the sheer rubbish-ness of it!" So here goes, prepare yourself for the worst song in the history of the world!
You said, that you would
See me around
But you left, me their
On the ground.
Oh sweet, how could
You do that to me
How could you leave
Me here,
On, my, knees....
Oh sweet, how could you?
Oh sweet, how cou-ould you?
Oh sweet, how could you, you, you
Do that to me?
How did I ever believe you
When you said you loved me?
When you sat, me down
By the oak tree
How did I ever, trust you, with my life?
You slit our bonds,
With a knife.....
I stood myself up,
Brushed off all the muck
That you left when
You left me behind.
When you left me alone
In the dark, I was scared
My life all around,
Tatters strewn everywhere.
Oh sweet, how could you?
Oh sweet, how cou-ould you?
Oh sweet, how could you, you, you
Leave me behind?
Oh no. That is even worse typed....
You said, that you would
See me around
But you left, me their
On the ground.
Oh sweet, how could
You do that to me
How could you leave
Me here,
On, my, knees....
Oh sweet, how could you?
Oh sweet, how cou-ould you?
Oh sweet, how could you, you, you
Do that to me?
How did I ever believe you
When you said you loved me?
When you sat, me down
By the oak tree
How did I ever, trust you, with my life?
You slit our bonds,
With a knife.....
I stood myself up,
Brushed off all the muck
That you left when
You left me behind.
When you left me alone
In the dark, I was scared
My life all around,
Tatters strewn everywhere.
Oh sweet, how could you?
Oh sweet, how cou-ould you?
Oh sweet, how could you, you, you
Leave me behind?
Oh no. That is even worse typed....
Katkin time #1
Well, howdy there! Bit of a silly title, as this blog is all about me! (Yeah, I'm big headed!) In this post I'm going to concentrate on what I'm like as a person. My hobbies, interests and greatest desires.
Well, here goes!
I'm twelves years old and live in cold rainy England. No, I'm not a plant, but that's my nickname; Katkin and I like it! I have so many ambitions and desires that its hard to choose which one to focus on! I want to do so much with my life but I don't know where to start! You see when I'm 'older' (that phrase is sooo patronizing, why can't us youngest do what we aspire to do right now? Why wait until we're old and wrinkled? Granted we'll have more experience, but its never to early to start down the path of your choice!) I would like- no love- to be an author and have one of my books published. Imagine if your book was on a best seller list or even if just one person who you didn't know loved your work? Even if it was just one person, it would make a world of difference. One 'fan', one little girl savouring the words you have brought to life. *sighs with the daydream that may never occur*
Another thing I would quite like to do is to become a doctor. Yeah, if you know me then your probably snorting into your sleeves. Yeah, you see I fainted in Biology and I am incredibly squeamish. I suppose that's why it would be great to be a doctor! As well as helping to save lives I would be able to push and challenge myself against my squeamishness (is that even a word?) That would be so self satisfying!
I also love anything to do with art or creativity even though I'm not good at it one bit. you know Moocha? (Well, only two people read this so you both do know her!) She got a level 7 in art and shes only 12! (Yeah, normally its 17 year old's who achieve that!) I know that I've got no where near that I was sort of to *coughs* experimental in my exam.... It looked like a drunk chicken had been set loose in a paint factory!
I'm also a nature lover, I adore our world! I want to travel everywhere see everything, observe nature at's its fullest.
I want to make my life worthwhile.
Well, here goes!
I'm twelves years old and live in cold rainy England. No, I'm not a plant, but that's my nickname; Katkin and I like it! I have so many ambitions and desires that its hard to choose which one to focus on! I want to do so much with my life but I don't know where to start! You see when I'm 'older' (that phrase is sooo patronizing, why can't us youngest do what we aspire to do right now? Why wait until we're old and wrinkled? Granted we'll have more experience, but its never to early to start down the path of your choice!) I would like- no love- to be an author and have one of my books published. Imagine if your book was on a best seller list or even if just one person who you didn't know loved your work? Even if it was just one person, it would make a world of difference. One 'fan', one little girl savouring the words you have brought to life. *sighs with the daydream that may never occur*
Another thing I would quite like to do is to become a doctor. Yeah, if you know me then your probably snorting into your sleeves. Yeah, you see I fainted in Biology and I am incredibly squeamish. I suppose that's why it would be great to be a doctor! As well as helping to save lives I would be able to push and challenge myself against my squeamishness (is that even a word?) That would be so self satisfying!
I also love anything to do with art or creativity even though I'm not good at it one bit. you know Moocha? (Well, only two people read this so you both do know her!) She got a level 7 in art and shes only 12! (Yeah, normally its 17 year old's who achieve that!) I know that I've got no where near that I was sort of to *coughs* experimental in my exam.... It looked like a drunk chicken had been set loose in a paint factory!
I'm also a nature lover, I adore our world! I want to travel everywhere see everything, observe nature at's its fullest.
I want to make my life worthwhile.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Okayly doke,
The poll is up! Good luck Moocha and TheSOSperson, you're both excellent authors so lets see what the general public decides!
Note: You can vote, but I won't because Moocha's my best friend.
Good luck!
Note: You can vote, but I won't because Moocha's my best friend.
Good luck!
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Hey everyone!
Do you wanna take part in a fun writing challenge? If the answers 'yes!!!!' then all you need to do is write a story or paragraph about whatever you want! The prize is knowing for sure that you're a great writer! If you're interested then leave a link to your blog in the comments and post your story/ paragrah on your blog. :) Then on Wednesday I'll put up a poll with all the entrants name and we'll let the general public (and each other) vote for their favourite story! Good luck everyone!
Oh, and in the poll no voting for yourself! :-)
Oh, and in the poll no voting for yourself! :-)
Best ever fun!
Howdy you wonderful people! I've just been to Moochas place and we had the most fun ever! We made millionare shortcake and it looked GORGEOUS! I can't wait to try some on Monday!
Friends rock!
Friends rock!
I'm going to get fit.
Yes I am! I am very unfit at the moment, when I run for just a little while, a get a massive stitch. I also eat way to much chocolate, sweets and drink WAY to many fizzy drinks. Hey, the odd thing is, I'm not fat, I'm in fact quite skinny. But still! I need to get fit!!!!!!!!
Later today I'm going to the park with Moocha, so I'm going to get her to run and play tennis with me. My aim is that by the start of the summer holidays I will be able to run just as fast and far as her. (She has such amazing speed and stamina!)
Luckily for me, I love fruit and veggies, so all I need to do is convince Mum to restock the fruit bowl and bit the cans of pop, the bags of crisps and endless chocolate bars! Yup, you probably think I'm loopy, and when I'm out running I'll probably agree whole heatedly with you. ;-)
I'm going to get some cucumber....
Later today I'm going to the park with Moocha, so I'm going to get her to run and play tennis with me. My aim is that by the start of the summer holidays I will be able to run just as fast and far as her. (She has such amazing speed and stamina!)
Luckily for me, I love fruit and veggies, so all I need to do is convince Mum to restock the fruit bowl and bit the cans of pop, the bags of crisps and endless chocolate bars! Yup, you probably think I'm loopy, and when I'm out running I'll probably agree whole heatedly with you. ;-)
I'm going to get some cucumber....
Saturday, 5 June 2010
This 150 things to do when your bored thing is harder than you think! I can barely do any of the things!
1# I don't own any marbles.
2# Ditto
3# You have to have a licence to sell stuff in England.... Bah humbug!
4# Ah, this is finally one I can do!
Adopt a word!
I adopted the word philargyrist. :) It means someone who loves money!
I went up to my brother and said: Don't you think dads a bit of a philargyrist?
It earned me a very weird look!
Friday, 4 June 2010
I'm going to do one random thing from the 150 things to do when you're bored everyday! I'll post how I get on....
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Ugh.... Last night I slept for a total of one hour, I am so tired! Stupid shingles...... I was awake to hear the dawn chorus though (at 4:00 am lol) so that made it all worth while. Its really magical hearing all those birds sing their hearts out to the world at such an early time! Its weird- they sing every single morning, yet I never hear them cos I'm always sound asleep! Go on, no matter where you are in the world, set your alarm clocks for 4:00 am and listen to those birds; there singing deserves to be recognised as beautiful music!
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Waaa..... I hate having the shingles, its no fun. Everyone else from my school is at sleepovers, the park, having fun, and I stuck in awful pain and a eternal state of ictyness. Ha, the funny (as if) thing is that they will be gone by Monday, so I'll be in perfect health for school. Yay. I have to swallow numerous tablets a day and put on this horrible cream five times a day. Plus I can't go outside in the heat, because that hurts even more. Arghhhhhhh! I wanna get better....... Why do I have to be the one in five, the rare case of shingles in a child whos immune system is perfectly fine thank you very much.
A thought (or two)
If you say its opposite day on opposite day, therefore its not opposite day!
Also, can you crack this riddle (moocha, you're not aloud to answer as you know! :P)
What goes up a chimney down but can' t go down a chimney up?
In two days I'll post the answer, but only if no one guesses correctly!
Also, can you crack this riddle (moocha, you're not aloud to answer as you know! :P)
What goes up a chimney down but can' t go down a chimney up?
In two days I'll post the answer, but only if no one guesses correctly!
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Summer-y list
Now, this is gonna be a list of all the things I want to do in my summer hoildays at home, Hong Kong, Bankok and Australia.
1) Make a new friend
2) Eat the most disgusting thing on the menu
3) Roll down the biggest hill I can find
4) Shout 'hello world!' at the top of my voice when I'm in Hong Kong's market place
5) Keep a journal everyday
6) Go face to face with a deadly snake
7) Go swimming in a lagoon which may, or may not, be home to crocodiles
8) Blow all my savings on some seriously cool stuff!
9) Take millions of photos
10) Enjoy every single second
Lol, pretty lame eh? If you have any wacky suggestions then you'd be welcome to voice them in the comment section! I promise if their not that crazy I'll try my best to do them!
1) Make a new friend
2) Eat the most disgusting thing on the menu
3) Roll down the biggest hill I can find
4) Shout 'hello world!' at the top of my voice when I'm in Hong Kong's market place
5) Keep a journal everyday
6) Go face to face with a deadly snake
7) Go swimming in a lagoon which may, or may not, be home to crocodiles
8) Blow all my savings on some seriously cool stuff!
9) Take millions of photos
10) Enjoy every single second
Lol, pretty lame eh? If you have any wacky suggestions then you'd be welcome to voice them in the comment section! I promise if their not that crazy I'll try my best to do them!
Turns out I have the shingles. Bah humbug! Its just my luck to get them in the half term holidays when I'm meant to be relaxing! I wil be fine for school next monday (argh!!!!) but at least I'll get to skip P.E and dancing. I won't be able to go on any sleepovers though.... :(
My backs really,really itcy......
I am rather unlucky though because 1 in 5 people get shingles in their life, and normally people over 50 catch it. Argh!!!!
The nurses kept commenting on how pale I looked.....
My backs really,really itcy......
I am rather unlucky though because 1 in 5 people get shingles in their life, and normally people over 50 catch it. Argh!!!!
The nurses kept commenting on how pale I looked.....
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