Thursday, 10 June 2010

Katkin time #1

Well, howdy there! Bit of a silly title, as this blog is all about me! (Yeah, I'm big headed!) In this post I'm going to concentrate on what I'm like as a person. My hobbies, interests and greatest desires.
Well, here goes!


I'm twelves years old and live in cold rainy England. No, I'm not a plant, but that's my nickname; Katkin and I like it! I have so many ambitions and desires that its hard to choose which one to focus on! I want to do so much with my life but I don't know where to start! You see when I'm 'older' (that phrase is sooo patronizing, why can't us youngest do what we aspire to do right now? Why wait until we're old and wrinkled? Granted we'll have more experience, but its never to early to start down the path of your choice!) I would like- no love- to be an author and have one of my books published. Imagine if your book was on a best seller list or even if just one person who you didn't know loved your work? Even if it was just one person, it would make a world of difference. One 'fan', one little girl savouring the words you have brought to life. *sighs with the daydream that may never occur*
Another thing I would quite like to do is to become a doctor. Yeah, if you know me then your probably snorting into your sleeves. Yeah, you see I fainted in Biology and I am incredibly squeamish. I suppose that's why it would be great to be a doctor! As well as helping to save lives I would be able to push and challenge myself against my squeamishness (is that even a word?) That would be so self satisfying!
I also love anything to do with art or creativity even though I'm not good at it one bit. you know Moocha? (Well, only two people read this so you both do know her!) She got a level 7 in art and shes only 12! (Yeah, normally its 17 year old's who achieve that!) I know that I've got no where near that I was sort of to *coughs* experimental in my exam.... It looked like a drunk chicken had been set loose in a paint factory!
I'm also a nature lover, I adore our world! I want to travel everywhere see everything, observe nature at's its fullest.
I want to make my life worthwhile.



  1. How did you get your nickname? England seems really cool to live in! I live in California. I want to be a doctor and I'm twelve, too! And I want to become an author with a book published! Wow! We have a lot in common!

  2. but katkin! you will be a doctor and you are brillant at writing! I think all of your ambitions will come true!

  3. Wow, we do have a lot in common! We're soul sisters! ;)
    I don't really know how I got my nickname... Someone just randomly started calling me it and it stuck! (Like glue!)
    England isn't all that cool to live in, its always wet and rainy... I would love to live in California! But I suppose, you always want to live somewhere else, somewhere exotic.... Well, I do anyway!

    Moocha, out the two of us- you are most likely to suceed at your ambitions!
