Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Writers Blog

Howdy diddly! So, about the writers blog Chop-chop and Moocha, do you wanna make a seperate blog for it? Like, we could make up an email address and then we could all know the password and be able to post writing and stuff. Then other people (and each other!) can critique it and stuff- honest opinions! Yeah, so are you up for it?
Also, who would be in charge of making/ designing the blog?
Okaily diddly, leave your thoughts in the comments!

~Katkin <3


  1. i think we should come up with an email (post the password quickly in a comment and then instantly delete it?) and each of us starting for katkin, chop chop and then me design a template, put it up and we then (when we've seen all of them) vote by comment, not poll.
    how does that sound?
    We don't have to.

  2. so, do u wanna make the email and comment the passowrd and username?
    comment back and we can think of the blog name?

  3. Sounds great! I can do it, but if you want a more creative name, then I don't think I should. (Hee-hee!)We can always change our template and background and stuff. Also, the template "minima" is best for backgrounds. Just saying. Great! This seems really fun!

  4. Oh, and also, instead of posting it online, we can e-mail the password to each other.

  5. Yipeee! This will be sooo much fun! So, whos gonna set it up?
    *does a giddy dance*

  6. Hmmm.. I guess I want to! :-)

  7. Okalily dokely!!!! And.... shoot!
    Wait- whats the blog name going to be?
    #Amazing(ish) Aspiring(wish,wish hard!) authors (sort of)
    #Water cannot seperate us
    # Magical Worlds..... I mean words...

    Just a few suggestions! Hey- why doesn't everyone post three suggestions and then we can choose the one we like best!

  8. oky doke, ur...
    # Daisy chain (cos we sort of all like wiritng and we write and stuff?)
    # Write, rewrite, write again
    # Roses in the clouds (no idea where that one came from!)
    i think all of them are rubbish though!
